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Showing posts from March, 2013


The U.S. Department of Justice quietly closed a three-year antitrust investigation into Monsanto, the biotech giant whose genetic traits are embedded in over 90 percent of America’s soybean crop and more than 80 percent of corn. Despite a splash of press coverage when the investigation was initially announced, its termination went mostly unreported. The DOJ released no written public statement. Only a brief press release from Monsanto conveyed the news. For More Information Please! Visit: HOW MONSANTO OUTFOXED THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION | Seed Freedom

World Water Day, 22, March. 2013

Theme 2013: Water Cooperation Water cooperation is a foundation for peace and sustainable development. Water cooperation contributes to poverty reduction and equity, creates economic benefits, helps preserve water resources and protect the environment, and builds peace. To focus attention on this important subject the celebrations for World Water Day on 22 March 2013 will take place around the world with the theme of water cooperation.  For More Information, Please! Visit:


1. What is Earth Hour? Earth Hour is a global movement uniting people to protect the planet. Towards the end of March every year, Earth Hour brings together communities from across the world celebrating a commitment to the planet by switching off lights for one designated hour. 2. When does Earth Hour take place? Earth Hour 2013 will be held on Saturday 23 March between 8.30PM and 9.30PM in your local time zone. 3. What does Earth Hour aim to achieve? Earth Hour aims to encourage an interconnected global community to share the opportunities and challenges of creating a sustainable world. 4. What does Earth Hour ask people to do? Earth Hour encourages individuals, businesses and governments to show leadership on environmental solutions through their actions, to use Earth Hour as a platform to showcase to the world what measures they are taking to reduce their environmental impact. Earth Hour asks everyone to take personal accountability for their impact on the plane...

Pesticide Action Week, March 20-30

You will be happy to know that since 2006 the 'No Pesticides Week' is being celebrated world-wide and expanded to 21 countries last year by March 2012.  We are honored to be the one who ignited the light of candle for Pakistan from March 2012.  Once again, we are contributing towards this Week and want to invite you all, to come forward with a fresh approach to development.  The earth needs people of capacity to take bold decisions to bring that most needed organic changes for the community as a whole !!    You are requested to look seriously into this background info below and plan your small-scale events to promote alternatives for a healthier Pakistan. For More Information