The U.S. Department of Justice quietly closed a three-year antitrust investigation into Monsanto, the biotech giant whose genetic traits are embedded in over 90 percent of America’s soybean crop and more than 80 percent of corn. Despite a splash of press coverage when the investigation was initially announced, its termination went mostly unreported. The DOJ released no written public statement. Only a brief press release from Monsanto conveyed the news. For More Information Please! Visit: HOW MONSANTO OUTFOXED THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION | Seed Freedom
Agri. Education Pakistan (An Online Subsidiary of BinQain Agro Services) is a social entrepreneurial project. Our objective is to offer sustainability in happiness, health and economy by producing a new breed of Agripreneurs. We provide consultancy and guidance for; Landscaping, Plant Nursery, Kitchen Gardening, Mushroom Farming, Avocado Farming, Citrus Plant Nursery, Massive Open Online Courses, Agriculture Consultancy, Android Applications for Agriculture