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Showing posts from 2014

Dine in Nature, A Memorable Day!

The Nature is the core of life and what if you are far away from the core, so what do you think, are you alive??? Sorry! It may be sound harsh… But today a big number of people among us have the health problems due to pollution and unnatural environment. Depression, stress and hyper tension are now a common matter. According to few scientific researches; soil has such type of microbes which have capability to control depression and stress, while planting or gardening keep your blood pressure normal and give many other health benefits. No doubt! In the busy life, it’s really hard to find time for visiting a green place. But Mr. Tariq Tanveer (CEO, Qadir Bakhsh Farms/Managing Director, Agri. Tourism Development Corporation Pakistan) is giving you a chance to come back to the life. The said institute under the super vision of Mr. Tariq organized a one day event in Faisalabad named; “The Farm, Dine in Nature” on 25 th December, 2014. A prominent number of participants join Mr. ...

National Youth Icon 2014 Award Winner, Mr. Muhammad Jarrar Ahmed

2nd Youth Peace Summit 2014 National Youth Icon 2014 Award winner, MUHAMMAD JARRAR AHMED Report by: Dr. Sundus Akhtar (Area Coordinator, Agri. Education Pakistan) Muhammad Jarrar Ahmed (Secretary General, AEP/Assistant Editor, Vet. News & Views) Muhammad Jarrar Ahmed (Secretary General of AEP) receiving National Youth ICON 2014 Award  from Mr. Qaisar Abbas 2nd Youth Peace Summit 2014 (YPS14) was designed to encourage discussion, inquiry, reflection and exploration among young people. It challenges and inspires youth to honor differences, explore commonalities and create. The Summit serves as a space where people from all walks of life can connect with each other on a human-to-human level, celebrate unity in diversity, and share in a living experience of peace. Activities and discussions provide the youth with tools for conflict-resolution, heart-centered communication, compassionate response, and peace-focused leadership. Kafka Welfare Organization wa...

Water Shortage in Rivers, Canals and Mountain Drains

Step water storage rivers may be a solution. May be this is a new name to rivers and irrigation engineering, but similar technology is in use for a different purpose in the world. I have observed similar water system in different areas of the world. How to design step water storage river, canals and drains, simply you can dived rivers in the shape of lakes with very minor slope to its natural surface level in miles at the end of each lake you have to build water fall retaining wall to stop water in previous lake with provision of drop the extra water to fill the next segment of river or next lake or next step. Each lake or step will become small water storage dam in miles for the use in water shortage season days. Water shortage in the Cholistan and Thar is a serious threat to human life and economy of the Pakistan. Indian water terrorism against Pakistan is another threat to Pakistans rivers and the economy, now river Ravi is becoming dry and shape of the dirty drain because ...

Golden Opportunity for Unemployed Agricultural and Livestock Graduatesrmation

For Application Form, Click Here;  PARC

International Conference on ICTs for Good Governance - 2014

Information & Communication Technologies (ICTs) have now been recognized as the engine for growth and a source of energy for the social and economic empowerment of any country, especially in a developing country. Relationship between ICTs and improved services to the common man in the areas of health, education, agriculture, governance etc. has now become a proven success for the Governments in developing countries. In order to build the required capacity and to create the awareness within the relevant stake holders in Public and Private Organizations, two days training Program followed by an International Conference is being organized by Pakistan Institute of ICT for Development (PIID) in coordination with UN Organization, Public Sector organizations, Private sector organizations and community organizations. Please find registration form in Ticket OR download it from this link:

World Soil Day 2014

Soils have been neglected for too long. We fail to connect soil with our food, water, climate, biodiversity and life. We must invert this tendency and take up some preserving and restoring actions. The World Soil Day campaign aims to connect people with soils and raise awareness on their critical importance in our lives. Did you know? Soil is the basis for food, feed, fuel and fibre production and for services to ecosystems and human well-being. It is the reservoir for at least a quarter of global biodiversity, and therefore requires the same attention as above-ground biodiversity. Soils play a key role in the supply of clean water and resilience to floods and droughts. The largest store of terrestrial carbon is in the soil so that its preservation may contribute to climate change adaptation and mitigation. Soils also serve as a platform and source for construction and raw materials. The maintenance or enhancement of global soil resources is essential ...

The Real Revolution Is Just Coming...

On 13 November 2014, I enjoyed a rewarding agro-tech. dinner meeting at Mr. Ammar Jaffri’s place in Islamabad. Yes! The worthy invitees were from technology and agriculture sectors of Pakistan. Wait a minute! Do you know why this dinner meeting is for and who is Mr. Ammar Jaffri??? This was all for the cause of implementation of ICT in good governess. Got it??? Let me describe the background; On the 21 December 2001, General Assembly of United Nations approved a resolution endorsing the discussion on reduction of technology gap throughout the globe on the occasion of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS). As a result, the implementation of Information & Communication Technology (ICT) become one of the Millennium Development Goal. Working in the ICT sector requires creativity, in-depth analytical skills and an overall strong sense of logic. Fortunately, this creativity, skill and logic are adopted by Mr. Ammar Jaffri (Chief Executive, PIID) in Pakistan to intr...

Free Seminar on Managing Research & Writing Thesis

Free Research Seminar by Dr. Ali Sajid, Sheikh Zahoor Sarwar, Adil Bilal Kahlown at PIM, Lahore For joining send an email with credentials to confirm your seat. Emails at or at

Have You Any New Idea???

There are no dreams too large, no innovation unimaginable and no frontiers beyond our reach! Even the simplest innovations have always been a catalyst in reaching critical milestones and the development of countries.There is a great potential for the evolution of sustainable projects in key areas such as renewable energy, energy efficiency and agricultural technology. This event will provide exclusive opportunity to the Undergraduate and Graduate students of Pakistan to share, present and propose their ideas, research and projects through presentations from the field of Renewable Energy solution, Health or Agriculture. Students from all disciplines will be able to participate. Graduate (MS / PhD) students will  be encouraged to present their thesis work. Registration fee: Rs. 750/- per team Rules and Regulations: • The ideas should be simple yet innovative and socially acceptable. Participants must be very clear about their respective ideas. • This competition comprises of...

Competition For Worst Kitchen Gardeners...

Mary, Mary quite contrary … How does your garden grow?" I have a terrible kitchen garden. Nothing seems to work for me.  But I am most devoted kitchen gardener and not giving up easily and my quest to be good kitchen gardener will continue. Yes this time competition is for worst kitchen gardener. 1 . Your name and where you live. 2.How long you have been kitchen gardening  3.Share you experience what went wrong …pest attack, seeds not germinating and any other problem you are facing 4.You will share 2 worst pictures of vegetables you have grown infected with virus and pest and other problems. The 10 most liked post get 8 free winter seeds.  Also 3 members who give best advice to terrible kitchen gardener based on picture posted also get free seeds.  Good luck to worst kitchen gardeners and KG doctors. This event is hosting by Salma Kamal , the well known kitchen gardener from Islamabad. So, come on and take part for the betterment of your garden... Visit th...

IPEX 2014

International Poultry Expo (IPEX) Report by: Muhammad Jarrar Ahmed (Secretary General, Agri. Education Pakistan) Dr. Sundus Akhtar (Area Coordinator, Agri. Education Pakistan) Commercial or Modern Poultry in Pakistan is one of the largest  agro based segment of Pakistan that was established in 1962, having an investment of more than 732 billions rupees. Poultry Industry of Pakistan is making a tremendous contribution in bridging the gap between the supply and demand of meat protein. About 25,000 poultry farms have been established in Pakistan. Moreover, the annual growth rate of poultry production is about 10 to 12%. While 40% of the total meat is being procured from poultry products. Furthermore, other poultry products that are producing annually in Pakistan are followed by table eggs: 9410 million; chicken meat: 953.600 metric tons. The International Poultry Expo (IPEX) was arranged on 25th to 27th September, 2014 at Expo Center, Lahore. In this occasion diffe...

World Egg Day- Friday 10th October 2014

World Egg Day is celebrated every year on the second Friday in October. On World Egg Day, events are held across the world celebrating the egg. The first World Egg Day was celebrated in 1996 and since then we have seen a variety of wonderful events taking place internationally, with people enjoying and celebrating the wonderful versatility of the egg. There is so much to celebrate – Eggs have the potential to feed the world Eggs have a vital role to play in feeding people around the world, in both developed and developing countries.  They are an excellent, affordable source of high quality protein, with the potential to feed the world. This year World Egg Day is Friday 10th October Whether you celebrate World Egg Day every year, or this will be your first time, make sure that this year on Friday 10th October, you get cracking and help to make this World Egg Day the biggest and the best ever. To help to get you in the mood, and start making plans, here are so...

Agri. Education Pakistan's E-Newsletter Is Available Now!

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World Kitchen Garden Day 2014

Oxfam’s latest survey, published on August 3, include Pakistan among the 21 nations facing food crisis due to high and volatile food prices. The survey also says 36 percent of the people in Pakistan are undernourished. “Nearly two-thirds (120 million) of the population spends between 50 and 70 percent of their income on food, making them vulnerable to rising prices,” the survey reports about Pakistan. The conclusion of this Oxfam’s report is interestingly just contrary to the thinking of the top rulers in Pakistan, who boast to have brought a revolutionary change in the economic condition of the country.  Food prices, according to the global report of the British international NGO, have hovered near an all-time peak since late 2010 sending tens of millions of people into poverty. Oxfam’s new interactive map shows how poor communities across the world are being hurt by high and volatile food prices. This ‘food price pressure points map’ provides a global s...

An Amazing Offer...

Once again here is a crazy offer,   If you are from an agricultural or environmental services provider firm then you can promote your business or product by AEP network via publishing your ad in the AEP's E-Newsletter.  This offer is absolutely free and only few numbers of ad would be published.   You can send your ad at m till 22 August, 2014

A Good News!

Dear friends, here is a good news, on the demand of our Nature lovers and enthusiasts the due date of the article submission has been extended to 15 August, 2014. So do your best to express your thoughts and ideas for betterment . Eligibility Criteria: Age: Doesn't Matter Qualification/Study Discipline: From Any Discipline You Are, We Say Welcome. Topic: Your article must be related to; Agricultural Issues, Environmental Issues, Educational System, Entomology, Agronomy, Plant Breeding & Genetics, Food Science, Plant Pathology, Agri. Extension, Animal Science, Agri. Economics, Forestry, Soil & Environmental Sciences, Horticulture, Report of Any Related Event/Activity. Text Limit: Min. 175 or Max. 200 words only. Language/Medium: Proper English. Note: Text Should Be Plagiary Free and Submitted Within Due Date. Don't Forget To Provide Your Bio-data. PLEASE! SEND YOUR SHORT ARTICLE/ PARAGRAPH BEFORE 15 AUGUST, 2014 AT THE REQUESTS AGAINST THE PR...

A Proud For Pakistan... (An Interview With Mr. Tariq Tanveer By Gina McKnight)

No doubt! Pakistan is rich in talent and enthusiasm towards progress and betterment. But there are few people in every nation with the heroic courage to influence the life of a whole community. Such people are the role model and true inspiration for the generations. We found such kind of spirit in Mr. Tariq Tanveer (CEO, Qadir Bakhsh Farms, FSD, PAK). This man is not just a personality, he is an organization in himself. Pioneer of various revolutionary steps in the field of horticulture.  Recently his interview is published by an American blogger Gina McKnight. She is a versatile personality. Gina is an author, equestrian, poet and freelancer. Well here are the contents of interview and become familiar with the brighter face of Pakistan.... From Pakistan,  Tariq Tanveer  is a world-renowned Horticulturist and Master Gardener. He is currently the Managing Partner of  Green Gold (PVT) LTD , Creator and Owner of  Qadir Bakhsh Farms  near Gatwala Fo...