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Showing posts from October, 2015

World Food Day

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) celebrates World Food Day on 16 October, the day on which the Organization was founded in 1945. Each year it is celebrated by more than 150 countries worldwide. World Food Day is about Zero Hunger—a Global Goal for the world to achieve together. We have 15 years to end hunger for every child, women and man around the world. Reaching it will save countless lives and build brighter futures for us all. Help us ensure the world does not forget the promise it has made by sharing  #ZeroHunger  in your community.  Top of Form Bottom of Form 8 Reasons Why Zero Hunger Changes the World 1)  Zero hunger could save the lives of  3.1 million children a year 2)  Well-nourished mothers have  healthier babies  with stronger immune systems 3)  Ending child under nutrition could increase a developing country's  GDP by 16.5 percent 4)  A dollar invest...