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Showing posts from June, 2022

Identification of Avocado Varieties | Best Avocado Varieties

It's an important question that which is the best avocado variety and or which varieties are more famous avocado varieties.  In this video you'll find the identification of avocado varieties which are relatively more famous in the world.  In the video, best avocado varieties are described with the leaves, tree and fruit characteristics. By using this information you can buy best avocado variety with confident of  identification of avocado varieties. Remember! avocado plants with vegetative propagation shows best result with low mortality rate and true to type fruit bearing up to 3 years of plant age while seed grown plants have high mortality rate without any surety of bearing fruit and the  most important the avocado plant grown with seed don't bear true to type fruit. Good new is Hass and Lula varieties are available in Pakistan, which can said to be the best avocado varieties in Pakistan. For more information, free consultancy for commercial avocado farm and to bu...