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Introduction to Scope & Importance of Agriculture Sector in Pakistan

What is Agriculture?
Agriculture is an art and science of cultivating the ground, including the harvesting of crops, and the rearing and management of live stock. It provides basic needs to human life; e.g. food, fiber and shelter.  
Importance of Agriculture at National & International Level
The agriculture sector is not only important at national level but also at international level. About fifty years back, the agriculture sector was neglected both in the developed and underdeveloped countries of the world. It was regarded as residual reservoir particularly of labour for employment in industries. In 1960’s the importance of agriculture was realized and adequate attention was given to this sector. The importance of balanced growth of agriculture and industrial sectors was stressed by the development economists. In 1970’s and since the beginning of 1980’s, agriculture in the process of development, has gained increased significance.
Pakistan is basically a farming community. About 67% of its population is living in rural areas and nearly 47% of them engaged in farming, livestock and agro-based industries. However, Agriculture sector plays a vital role in the economic development of a country. Agriculture sector is the single largest component of GDP in Pakistan. Its contribution is 21% to Pakistan’s GDP. The progress of agriculture sector provides a sound base for economic development and is considered one of the preconditions for takeoff or self sustained growth.
International Ranking of Pakistan in Agriculture Sector
Pakistan is one of the world's largest producers and suppliers of the following according to the different sources i.e. Food and Agriculture Organization of The United Nations and FAO STAT given here with ranking:
Product Name
International Ranking
Chick pea
Date Palm
Kinnow, Oranges

Pakistan ranks third in the Muslim world and eighth worldwide in farm output, according to the List of countries by GDP sector composition.
Animal Husbandry in Pakistan
According to the Economic Survey of Pakistan, the livestock sector contributes about half of the value added in the agriculture sector, amounting to nearly 11 percent of Pakistan's GDP, which is more than the crop sector. Pakistan is also Asia's biggest Camel Market.
Fishing in Pakistan
Fishery and fishing industry plays an important role in the national economy of Pakistan. With a coastline of about 1046 km, Pakistan has enough fishery resources that remain to be fully developed. It is also a major source of export earnings and contributes app. 16 percent in GDP.
Forestry in Pakistan
About only 4% of land in Pakistan is covered with forest. The forest of Pakistan are a main source of food, lumber, paper, fuel wood, latex, medicine as well as used for purposes of wildlife conservation and ecotourism. Forest sector contributes about 8.8 percent in GDP. 


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