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Showing posts from December, 2012

Event Summary: A Joint Event Organized By NAYS & Agri. Education Pakistan on 22 Dec, 2012

Event Summary An awareness session about “Introduction to Scope and Importance of Agriculture Sector in Pakistan Popularize the Science among Youth” was held at a well known institute named; Alma Mater Grammar High School affiliated with Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education Sargodha, situated in Shaheen abad, Silanwali, Distt. Sargodha, Pakistan on 22 December, 2012 at 12:00 p.m. The event was organized as a joint activity of National Academy of Young Scientists (NAYS) and Agri. Education Pakistan under the project; “Science for Youth” by National Academy of Young Scientists (NAYS) and “Agri. Education Lecture Series” by Agri. Education Pakistan. This was first activity in District Sargodha by Agri. Education Pakistan as the previous activities limited to Lahore City. It was also first experience to systematize a joint activity by both organizations. During the session a pamphlet was distributed among participants, having primarily data related to the title of even...

Pakistan National Wetlands Policy

Pakistan National Wetlands Policy

A Brief Introduction to Ramsar Convention

The Convention on Wetlands (Ramsar, Iran, 1971) -- called the "Ramsar Convention" -- is an intergovernmental treaty that embodies the commitments of its member countries to maintain the ecological character of their Wetlands of International Importance and to plan for the "wise use", or sustainable use, of all of the wetlands in their territories. Unlike the other global environmental conventions, Ramsar is not affiliated with the United Nations system of Multilateral Environmental Agreements, but it works very closely with the other MEAs and is a full partner among the                                               "biodiversity-related cluster" of treaties and agreements.

Wetlands Are Wasting Away

Wetlands Are Wasting Away