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Event Summary: A Joint Event Organized By NAYS & Agri. Education Pakistan on 22 Dec, 2012

Event Summary
An awareness session about “Introduction to Scope and Importance of Agriculture Sector in Pakistan Popularize the Science among Youth” was held at a well known institute named; Alma Mater Grammar High School affiliated with Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education Sargodha, situated in Shaheen abad, Silanwali, Distt. Sargodha, Pakistan on 22 December, 2012 at 12:00 p.m. The event was organized as a joint activity of National Academy of Young Scientists (NAYS) and Agri. Education Pakistan under the project; “Science for Youth” by National Academy of Young Scientists (NAYS) and “Agri. Education Lecture Series” by Agri. Education Pakistan. This was first activity in District Sargodha by Agri. Education Pakistan as the previous activities limited to Lahore City. It was also first experience to systematize a joint activity by both organizations. During the session a pamphlet was distributed among participants, having primarily data related to the title of event.     
National Academy of Young Scientists (NAYS) had been established since 2009 in Pakistan. It is the Asia’s first young scientist academy. Many projects are started under the administration of this society. “Science for Youth” is one of the projects of National Academy of Young Scientists (NAYS) with many success stories. The aim of this project is to urge interest and eagerness for science among youth generation by organizing lectures, career counseling session and such other activities.
The collaborator organization Agri. Education Pakistan, is an organization, had been founded since August, 2011 under the motto of establishment of sustainable agriculture and environmental development by organizing public events particularly for student community. The project; “Agri. Education Lecture Series” is launched with the aim of spreading awareness about agriculture academics and importance of agriculture sector among student community belong to Matriculation and Intermediate academic levels to make them to choose agricultural sciences as their profession in future or as a lifestyle on the basis of modernity.
The event organizing team contained; Mr. Muhammad Awais Zahid (Area Coordinator, SGD at NAYS), Mr. Muhammad Safeer Abbas Jafrey (President/Founder, Agri. Education Pakistan), Mr. Muhammad Jarrar Ahmad (Secretary General, Agri. Education Pakistan).
The cooperation from school administration was really appreciable as they facilitated the organizing team as they can. The lecture was planned for Matriculation level, however the students of class 8th (middle level of academics) also joined the event on their request. The total number of participants became 104. This is the total strength of students at class 8th - 10th. Thus the participation ratio was 100%.
The programme was arranged in to three sessions;
Introduction to National Academy of Young Scientists and its project; “Science for Youth”.
By Mr. Muhammad Awais Zahid (NAYS)
Introduction to Agri. Education Pakistan and its project; “Agri. Education Lecture Series”.
By Mr. Muhammad Safeer Abbas Jafrey (Agri. Education Pakistan)
Introduction to Agricultural Sciences, its fields and their importance in Pakistan.
By Mr. Muhammad Jarrar Ahmad (Agri. Education Pakistan)
Career counseling, motivational talk and activity.
By Mr. Muhammad Safeer Abbas Jafrey (Agri. Education Pakistan)
Mr. M. A. Zahid during the lecture
In Sub-Session-I, Mr. Muhammad Awais Zahid invited at rostrum. He gave concise briefing about NAYS and its project “Science for Youth”. NAYS and its efforts for young scientists and promotion of quality educational activities were warmly appreciated by participants. He said; “NAYS is Asia’s first young scientists academy”. After Mr. Muhammad Awais Zahid, Mr. Muhammad Safeer Abbas Jafrey invited at rostrum. He gave introduction of Agri. Education Pakistan and its current project “Agri. Education Lecture Series”. As there is lack of awareness about agricultural academics among students, this initiative to aware the students is taken by Agri. Education Pakistan. This ardor was highly appreciated and considered as a noble cause by audience.  
In Sub-Session-II, Mr. Muhammad Jarrar Ahmad briefed the audience about the different fields of Agricultural Sciences and their importance. He shared the information about rank of Pakistan in international ranking on the basis of agricultural produce and quality. He gave a brief introduction about few fields of Agricultural Sciences given bellow;
·         Agronomy
·         Entomology
·         Animal Sciences
·         Horticulture
·         Forestry
·         Fishery
·         Food Science
·         Plant Breeding & Genetics
·         Soil & Environmental Sciences & Plant Pathology
Mr. Jafrey at rostrum
Mr. M. J. Ahmad, Mr. M. A. Zahid on stage
In 3rd and last sub-session, Mr. Muhammad Safeer Abbas Jafrey came to rostrum. Career counseling regarding to agricultural sciences was provided by him. He urged students to adopt agricultural and environmental sciences in their academic career and also for their profession in future as these fields have much potential throughout the world. He said to audience; “it has not priority to only select agriculture or environmental science as profession, instead explore yourself and follow your true and righteous desires”.
In the last of Session-III, it was taught by Mr. Muhammad Safeer Abbas Jafrey that “How to Prepare a Homemade Barometer”. This segment was really enjoyed by students.
The joint Team with Chief Executive M. Zahid at Stage
In all three sessions, involvement of participants, their questioning and enthusiasm was really admirable. “We all enjoy the participation and excitement of students”, said by organizing team. At the end of event Chief Executive and Principal of institute warmly appreciated the organizing team. Both of them said cordially welcome for next time for organizing such a fruitful event for students. The cooperation, enthusiasm and dedication of members of the National Academy of Young Scientists and Agri. Education Pakistan are truly appreciable and admirable and we hope, in future such activities further evolve for the well being of students, said; Chief Executive (Alma Mater Grammar High School). 
The Participants listening the lecture with interest
A group photo at the end of session joined by school administration, joint team and students 


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