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Ten Billion Tree Tsunami | Green Pakistan

Pakistan is among top ranked countries working for environment conservation and restoration. Ten Billion Tree Tsunami is the internationally praised program launched by Prime Minister Imran Khan to curb the situation of climate change as the Pakistan is among the countries badly effected by climate change. Ten Billion Tree Tsunami is all about the tree plantation drive across the country to make Green Pakistan. Reforestation, Afforestation, Social forestry, Agroforestry and Urban forestry are the main focuses of this tree plantation drive. 

This program will impact the public and the climate in a very positive way. Few days back I visited Jallo Forest Park situated in Lahore. It’s a tremendous and appreciable effort of Forest Department. I'm happy that I was the cause of plantation of 200 Moringa tree plants in Jallo Forest Park. I met Respected SDFO of Jallo Forest Park Mr. Ishtiaq. He is really friendly man serving his profession very well. He generously talked about the current and future perspectives, outcomes and aspects of Ten Billion Tree Tsunami program. 

He encouraged for tree plantation also we discussed about the entrepreneurial aspect of Forestry in Pakistan. Moringa tree plantation, trend and profitability in Pakistan was also discussed and Mr Ishtiaq endorsed the Moringa tree plantation. Furthermore, check yourself in the video about the fruitful conversation. Please, compromise on video light :)

In this video you'll learn about;

00:00 – Introduction

01:11 – History of Jullo Forest Park

01:23 – Jullo Park Safari Project

02:21 – Smog and Lahore

02:54 – Plantation of Indigenous tree species in Jallo Forest Park

03:34 – Importance of Ten Billion Tree Tsunami program

05:30 – Progress in Ten Billion Tree Tsunami plantation drive

06:35 – Importance of Agroforestry in Pakistan

08:24 – Importance and profit of Moringa Pantation

10:06 – How can an individual contribute to curb matter of climate change

13:15 – Work on Agri Tourism in Pakistan

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